Did I say I had nice friends?
I guess this post links into the last post of "will I grow?" - and I think my next question is going to be "what will I weigh after surgery?" Now, I know I once read a really irate posting on one of the forums about some poor teenage girl who actually dared to ask how much all this hardware weighed. Now (poor dab) the response she got was that she shouldn’t worry about gaining a little weight in stainless steel when she was having spinal surgery and there are lots of other more serious things in life , but I find that I am also curious about it. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am no sylph like, waif like supermodel type (I wish!) - I’m only 4ft 9” (just a weenie bit short to be a supermodel I think) and weigh (ummmm well, I’m not telling). In fact, the way I usually describe myself is that I’m a bit chunky. So, given these facts, I guess that a few pounds here or there is not really going to make any difference - actually that’s a fib – at 4ft 9” just a few pounds looks more like 20lbs does on a tall person but I digress. I just mean that if you’re a bit chunky, being a bit chunkier wouldn’t actually be the end of the world – it’s not like it’s my career or something (Elle Macpherson I ain’t!). I’m curious though, nothing more – how much does all that stuff weigh – for example, will I sink to the bottom of the swimming pool?! These are all valid questions aren’t they?
Well, back to the title of the posting as I’ve gone a bit off the subject (so what’s new!). One of my particularly nice friends (thanks A!*) suggested that while the surgeons opened me up they could use the time and general anaesthetic to give me a bit of liposuction at the same time. Not realising that he was digging himself into a very large hole by the merest hint of a suggestion that I might need the teeniest hint of liposuction he rashly went on to add the suggestion that maybe I should also get a tuck here or there.
I hasten to add at this point (before you ask) that I did not hit him …!
Still the question remains, will I weigh more or less and will I be thinner round the middle (without liposuction) just ‘cos they stretch me outwards?
Just one final thought (and I promise to stop then) - if I do get taller as a result of this op, then my BMI will go down, even if I weigh the same – how weird is that!
*please note intended sarcasm
Good news, pain meds make you loose your appetite!! Hell of a diet plan but what the heck its better then nothing. So, you get a bit taller and thinner with a wicked conversation piece down your back! Cool huh?
hi pips-I,m sure you'll be taller when all is done...ps. chged my blog to the learning curves....Lynne
Woo hoo! Taller, thinner, we're gonna be hot...lol
But on the lipo, I was jokingly going to ask my surgeon before he puts me under;
"Hey, while you're in there, wanna suck some of that fat out? Thanks."
Think he'll go for it?...lmfao
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