Thursday, February 09, 2006

09/02/06 - a changing picture

Well, what do you know? I guess there's only so much you can tell from X-rays and scans - there's nothing like hands-on examination...

Having spoken to the consultant this morning, we discover that far from the original plan to fuse T3-L5, the team decided that her thoracic curve is only a compensatory curve rather than a fixed curve, and have only fused T10-L5. So they managed to do that all from the anterior incision - no posterior access necessary.

For those less "expert" readers who are merely following this blog for news updates, that means they think the upper curve will correct itself over time, as it is not a real defect, merely the spine's own attempts to compensate for the lower curve.

The plan is to leave it at that, pending a check-up in 6 weeks, when they can assess whether it is straightening out on its own, or whether there will be a need for a further op. Fingers crossed! After going through this once, she won't want to do it again in a couple of months! But if they're right, then recovery should be quicker and easier than we feared.

BTW, she's back on the ward already - scarcely 18 hours post-op. That's a lot sooner than either of us expected. OK, she's still got wires and tubes everywhere, but it's a good sign that she's considered stable and doing well.

That's probably most of the exciting stuff over until she gets back home ("touch wood"). Any further updates between now and then may be a bit shorter.



Anonymous said...

I'm delighted that she's OK! Let's hope the others who are about to go through this can take comfort from her situation.

Anonymous said...

It's great news that she's doing so well. Give her our love and best wishes.
How about you, how well are you coping? Anything we can do just give us a call, whether you fancy a beer or need a chat or we can help in any way.

See you both soon
Chris and Jayne

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news. Tell her to keep up the good work. Hope you and the cats are bearing up under the strain. Thinking of you both. Lots of love Ali & Terry

Anonymous said...

No words (how unlike me) but lots of feelings. Nigel please pass on a big hug when you can do it without pulling out lots of things and hitting painful bits etc.

love Connor;-)

Anonymous said...

Once again she did it Pip style!Would like to see her on the weekend(visiting hours?)if she is up to it.Just to check she's not "shamming".
Give us a call Nige if you need anything at all.

P.S. Don't let her run you ragged!

Tim,jo & Kids.