Saturday, February 18, 2006

18/02/06 - a girl feels better with clean hair!

10 days post-op: today's big news is that she washed her hair this morning. That's right - she washed it, not a nurse. Mind you, she couldn't bend over the basin, so she got as much water over herself, her slippers and the floor as her head, but still...

She's toddled back and fore to the loo a few times today, too (there's still a limit to how many times she can do that, though). And she can now get out of bed without help, although she still can't quite get back in. However, potential patients should realise that the problem is with getting her legs up on the bed, due to her normal lack of motor control, not as a result of the op - if she was normally fully mobile, she would manage that unaided as well.

Her dressings were changed today, and apparently the incision is clean and neat. The chest drain site in her back is at least as uncomfortable, but also OK.

An interesting effect - she's noticed over the last couple of days that she starts the morning with a flat stomach, but by the evening she's feeling distinctly tubby ("pregnant", she said). It seems that her abdomen swells as she spends more time upright and/or mobile. Nurses have said they notice similar swelling in the legs of hip or knee patients, so it's probably normal post-op effects.

More news as it comes in, folks...

A bientot

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Been following her progress daily(seeing that I'll be there soon enough)Sounds like smooth sailing now...! Tell her "hubby" is doing a fine job with his daily reports!