Friday, February 17, 2006

17/02/06 - catching up

Well, those of you who know my wife know she's independent and determined. Now they've got her analgesia mix right, there's no stopping her. Looks like she's made up for the two bad days earlier in the week already.

She's gradually teaching the staff that she knows more about how her body works than they do - and about coping with pain and limited mobility. If they do things her way, it's a lot easier! So now she's getting in and out of bed (carefully!) with much less help, and can walk to the loo on her own (when she feels up to the effort). She persuaded them that using a frame would free the 2 nurses who were walking with her. They didn't want to let her, afraid she would lean on it and create a bad posture (not good with all that metalwork), but once she demonstrated that she isn't leaning on it, and it's only there to catch her if her balance goes, they let her have it.

She's eating much better, her blood count is good (probably higher than it's ever been!) and her only grumble now is that she hasn't seen the registrar since the day she couldn't get out of bed. She's eager to discuss the correction and get the surgeon's viewpoint!

Humourous moment - she was telling me how a nurse who got her a clean nightie commented on how short it was, and she told him "Not on me, it isn't - it's down to my knees", when I had to point out to her that it isn't any more!

'bye for now

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