Sunday, February 19, 2006

19/02/06 - objectives

Not so great a start today - got up and walked to the loo (it's about 40-odd feet or 14-15 metres by my guess), then managed to cross the corridor to the washroom, but needed a wheel back to the bed. A tad too much pain to cope with the walk back. Being the way she is, she was a bit disappointed. It seemed OK to me!

Still, later on she did better. She's setting herself a daily objective, and today's was to walk to the nurses' station - that's the other end of the ward, and probably about 70 feet/22 metres away. It took the nurses by surprise! Then, after a break, walk back. She didn't own up to how long it took, mind! I think tomorrow's objective is the Day Room - that's about another 5-6m.

Day 11 post-op, and today was the first day she didn't go back to bed for a lie-down after lunch - she sat up in the armchair all day, and went back to bed at about 7pm. She's paying for it a bit, though - a bit uncomfortable when I left her.

Nothing more dramatic than that today, I'm pleased to say.

All for tonight.

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